Thursday, July 30, 2009

Encouraging News...

"Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? (As the Scriptures say, “For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.”) No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us." [Romans 8:35-37]

Talk about Encouraging News...

Finally - the opportunity for Kelly and I to "reset" and get back on the same page for an hour and a half of un-interrupted time! It was awesome...and very much needed! Granted, it was the drive from the Farm to Magee Women's Hospital yesterday morning - and we do desperately miss our 15 minute trip from our old house - but, it was a great opportunity for Kel and I to reconnect and talk/pray through many of the "waves" that we are facing right now!

Our day in Pittsburgh started with a wonderful lunch conversation with an awesome sister/mentor in Christ at Panera - and finally, Kelly found a meal that tasted great...Panera's chicken noodle soup and a sourdough roll! And with a full cooler and two large bags of food/meals from our small group - who are all absolutely amazing! Miss you guys so much! And can't wait to see you all! - we left Panera prayed up and ready for an afternoon at the hospital...

The first stop was to get Kelly's 15 staples out! The nurse and Dr. Harris were great and very encouraged by the way Kelly's incision was healing! There are no signs of infection, and they shared with us that the reason for the intense pain across Kel's incision is because of the "stretch, pressure and pull" from the ongoing pregnancy and Jackson's movement in the womb! Praise the Lord - again, great pain - but intense pain to say the least! I can only imagine...literally!

With the staples out and the butterfly strips on - it was time for the ultrasound! As we waited in the waiting room - a mother and three children came in and sat down beside us! Her oldest son, and middle daughter reminded us so much of Carter and Jordyn! The girl even had the same curly hair and "personality" of Jordyn! It was nuts...and absolutely hilarious! Can't, really I can!
As the tech prepped Kel for the ultrasound, Dr. Speer came in and asked us if it would be alright if a few of his colleagues could observe our appointments today. Absolutely! We understand that they are seeing/studying things that have never been witnessed before-and are excited, just as we are to see how Jackson is developing - and man was it was awesome to see Jackson! He was moving all over the place - but, laid in perfect position for the tech to get some great pictures and measurements! And, as soon as Dr. Speer sat down to take over - wouldn't you know it - Jackson rolled over and would only show him his spine! It was hilarious! It was the same exact position Jackson would roll too on Friday every time Dr. Speer tried to position him for the surgery! It was a great moment, and these two definitely have a history already - as Dr. Speer's holding of Jackson in position last Friday gave a whole new meaning to "God parent", intercessor and laying on of hands!

With the great results from the ultrasound, it was time to look at how Jackson's heart was healing/developing through an Echo with Dr. Sherman. Immediately you could see the difference in the flow! You could also see the excitement and intense interest of Dr. Sherman and Dr. Speer - as they were seeing things that they had never had the opportunity to witness/study before! It was so cool! They found that Jackson still has Mitral Regurgitation between the two left chambers of his heart - but with more velocity since the surgery! "In theory" this means that the left side of his heart is able to create more force/pressure post-procedure, thus creating more velocity, and possibly meaning the left side of his heart is growing/developing! This is all "in theory" because it is all so new - and they are just not sure what all of it means as to Jackson's development/prognosis! It is truly a "wait and see" journey at this point! Jackson's aortic valve continues to have a leak post-procedure, meaning they have definitely improved the flow, as there was hardly any flow before the surgery, and now there is a leak! They are unsure as to the severity of the leak...but, their hope is that over the next four months as Jackson is in the best environment for healing possible - in utero - that the valve will heal or possibly just need a valve replacement upon delivery! Again - very encouraging!

With all that being was a day full of encouraging news! But the most encouraging news is that there seems to be a "flutter" or a "slide" on the left side, posterior/lateral wall of his left ventricle - which was not there prior to the surgery! Meaning, there is more movement in the left side of his heart post procedure! But, again - it is all to soon and new to know what this means in regards to Jackson's development! I truly believe that the next four months, leading up to delivery, may very well be the longest four month stretched we have ever faced! Jackson is not out of the woods at this point - and still very much needs our prayers, and supernatural, divine healing over the next four months before delivery - but we and our team of doctors are extremely encouraged and are leaning into the uncertainty! I can't wait to see how the Lord continues to move in and through Jackson, our team of doctors and all that we have the opportunity to share His story with!

Remember - God is the main character in Jackson's story, not Jackson! And we are so excited, encouraged and thankful for the Lord's Grace and Healing Hands upon Jackson's life! He is so Faithful...and what can ever separate us from His Love?

It is a tough question...and one that many people have been running from for many years! NOTHING can separate us from the Overwhelming Love and Victory we have through Christ! When we are face to face with the storms, trials, tribulations, dangers, loss of a job, loss of a loved one or any other valley of darkness - we must stand firm on this Promise! And when I read this scripture late last night - after an awesome conversation with a very close friend and brother in Christ, who God is just moving powerfully through - like never before, these words gripped my heart! "Live Victoriously" has been a rally cry for years, but it is time Church! It is time for us to Live in the Overwhelming Love and Victory that we have through Christ Jesus - our Risen Lord and Savior! And the toughest question just might be..."why not?"
What have you not yet surrendered? What still has a stronghold in/over your life? What/Who are you afraid of? Who is that barrier, or button-pusher, who just continues to sow seeds of doubt into your heart! And why are your eyes on them or that! Get your eyes fixed on Christ and Live Victoriously! Christ has conquered sin and death through the Cross - His blood has been shed, and battle was already been won! And He is coming back again! "I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." [Romans 8:38-39]

Please know that “you are the light of the world... let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." [Matthew 5: 14,16]

All Eyes on Jesus...

1 comment:

John and Renee said...

havent had the chance to talk to you much, but we have been praying hard for you and we miss you dearly! We love little Jackson already and cant wait to see him playing with all our girls...with the 2 boys in your house at least one of them has to marry one of our 5 daughters!!!!