Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Pack...

What a morning! Kel and I were up and at em' early...since little Miss Jordyn decided she was getting an early start (6:15am!!! - Woo Hoo!) That girl is nuts - she is wired 220 or maybe even 440, don't know where she gets that from! And the first thing out of her mouth this morning..."daddy"! She knew something was up...

Kel and I finished up the prelim packing early this morning...and a huge blessing rang the door bell at 9:00am! One lone guy from the moving company introduces himself as JW. He shared that he was the "scouting crew" to come and begin packing today - with a team coming tomorrow to finish up the pack and then load/move. But, don't be deceived...this dude can pack! He had Carter and Jordyn's room packed completely in an hour, and the dining room and closets finished before lunch! It would have taken me two days to do what he accomplished in three hours! Heck, he packed three rooms and four closets in the same time it took me to pack half my office! I think it may have something to do with the way that Kel keeps an incredibly clean/organized home, while Doug not so much of incredibly clean/organized office! But it is all good...and talk about a weight lifted from our shoulders! Praise the Lord!

No update at this point on Jackson's procedure or the timing of everything this week and next...but, as soon as we find out, we will be sure to share it here on the blog!

I hope you are having an awesome day - and keep your Eyes on Jesus!

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