Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's "go" time...

"If we could only look upon a difficult crisis as an occasion of bringing out, on our behalf, the sufficiency of divine grace, it would enable us to preserve the balance of our souls and to glorify God, even in the deepest of waters!" [C. H. Mackintosh]

Now the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: “Speak to the children of Israel, that they turn and the sea. For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, ‘They are bewildered by the land; the wilderness has closed them in.’ Then I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, so that he will pursue them; and I will gain honor over Pharaoh and over all his army, that the Egyptians may know that I am the LORD.” [Exodus 14:1-4, NKJV, emphasis added]

It is often hard for us to imagine, grasp and accept that the LORD has led us to the depths of our crisis, adversity, difficulty and "deepest of waters". That He would ask us to "turn and camp" by that struggle, so that He could choreograph what appears to be sure destruction and death - with no way out! That He - Our God of Love, Grace, Mercy and Compassion - would harden a heart...
And many times when we are face to face with crisis - the diagnosis of an incurable cancer, a child in trouble, a relationship on the brink of destruction, disappointment in the actions, thoughts and/or words of a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, neighbor or family member, the legal battle, the loss of a job or the shattering of a dream - our natural reaction is to ask...
How in the world did I get myself into this mess? What can I do to fix this problem - quickly? Why did this have to happen to me?
And we find ourselves in a moment of spiritual crisis...don't we?
But instead of asking "How can I get out of this mess?"...fix your eyes on Jesus and allow him to transform your perspective and posture by renewing your mind through the Truth that is found in this response: How can God be Glorified in this situation? This dilemma? This tragedy? This Journey?

For the LORD said...
"I will be honoured..." [KJV]
"I will gain glory for myself ..." [NIV]
"I have planned this in order to display my glory through Pharaoh and his whole army." [NLT]

And "why" did He deliberately order, orchestrate and choreograph this journey, adversity, struggle, time of preparation in the wilderness and deepest of that I [we], you and generations to come..."will know that [He is] the LORD." [Exodus 14:3-4] And to HIM alone be the Glory!

Move/House Update: The Step of Faith...
So here is the quote from Oswald Chambers that moved and "rocked" us so deeply to step out "by Faith" yesterday morning during our devotion/prayer time:
The greatest spiritual crisis comes when a person has to move a little farther on in his faith than the beliefs he has already accepted!
There is a definitive relationship between our beliefs and faith - and there is crisis, struggle, adversity and growth when our faith forces to step where our beliefs are not yet already! It is the all sufficient Grace and Peace of God, the Freedom and Strength of our Lord - Christ Jesus, and the Indwelling and Outflow of the Holy Spirit that encourages, prompts and leads us to be obedient, courageous and persevere! And that is exactly what we must do - right now! Obedience and Perseverance are key! And I don't know about you...but I am exhausted, spent, worn out and weary...and pleading for release!
And just in case you are getting caught up or just now learning of the journey regarding our move...two weeks ago, following a moment of God "closing the door" on what appeared to be great rental situation, He led us to the "Promise Land" and to a home that held every detail He promised more than 6 months ago. After 38 days in our current "preparation experience" and hearing the news of God closing the door on renting...Kelly's mom and dad were prompted to spend four hours searching through communities for homes in the Butler, PA area - without our knowing. Kelly and I prayed so intensely over the weekend of August 29th and 30th! And God gave us great Peace, Clarity, Unity and Promise of Provision on a home in the Meridian area, without anyone knowing. I must say - it was great weekend of prayer and fasting between Kel, I and the Lord!
Kelly's mom and dad talked with us the following Monday, August 31 - the 40th day since the sale of our home - and asked us to call on three homes they had found during their Saturday afternoon drive. We followed their lead and called - one was not an option, one is in foreclosure and needing $50,000 plus dollars needed in repairs before even moving in with water damage, and the one owned by Stan and Karen - in Meridian! Obviously, God had our attention!
I was so overwhelmed by the conviction/prompting of the Holy Spirit's... that Kel and I got in the car and started the 40min drive after leaving just a voicemail. Karen returned our call 15 minutes into the drive...when God started to reveal His Glory! Here we found out that Karen and Kelly are actually distant cousins, grew up in the same small country town outside of Parker, PA (which happens to be the smallest city in the US - for all you trivia buffs), went to the same church growing up - but did not know each other due to their age and journeys, and currently attend the same church as Kelly's Grandma and Aunt. How amazing is our God? Then as we were going through the home - that is absolutely more than anything Kel and I ever could have dreamed of or asked for - we found out that Karen has Aortic Stenosis, the same rare heart condition as Jackson! And after two months of praying/searching for the genetic connection - here she stands in front us - in the home God has lead us to! Come on ya'll - can God make it any more clearer?
He Managing Director, great friend and wise counsel shared with me more than 4 months ago to pray specifically for a FROG (that would be a Finished Room Over the Garage as they refer to it in the South) so that we are able to function more efficiently and effectively out of the home for ministry and life! Working from home has been a huge adjustment and point of transition over the last year, and feeling the call to be more "mobile" and able to travel, speak, and encourage the Body of Christ - this home (fully equipped with a FROG) provides an ample amount of space, security and sanctuary to be able to be mobile and also to do "life and ministry" together in community - which has been a specific prayer of our hearts in this journey! This is not about a house for Kelly and Doug - but this is a home where the Gospel and Life will be mobilized - period! And man were we excited...I mean - who ever would have "thunk it" that after following the prompting of the Holy Spirit in hearts to put our home on the market without even knowing "where", it then being under contract three hours later. Then the finding of Jackson's fatal heart defect, and a miracle surgery to give him the best chance of a full and abundant "physical life" this side of heaven, being successful within hours of closing on our home on July 24th! Then being led into a wilderness experience to be prepared in ways never imagined for 40 days, and delivering us in a home that is overflowing with Promise! Then we found out there is another couple wanting the home, bringing an offer after ours, and that Stan and Karen were led to take 7 days to pray - after both offers were recieved - and make the decision based on the Lord's prompting. And during the seven days of prayer - the enemy came on a full frontal attack! He tried to get us to not only see, but fear the financial giants that stood in the way - and worry and doubt God's Promise and Provision! The enemy also brought a wicked scheme upon Karen and Stan with the home they intended to purchase through indirect communication, and a "false reality" that the deal they were getting was "too good to be true"!

But after two full weeks of prayer and petition, Stan called me Monday to share the following news...

Stan and Karen have prayed, and with a great sense of unity, have decided to accept our offer, and that they are moving forward "with caution" on the purchase of the home they have been led to by the Lord! I can't even begin to tell you of the excitement we are experiencing...but - enter in spiritual crisis! And here is the question and moment of stepping out - is our Faith in Finances, or is our Faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ...that He IS Jehovah Jireh, that He will Provide as Promised! And man...if we though the last two weeks of prayer were intense - the last two days have been off the hook! Prayer, Counsel and Trust...are the keys to Walking with the Wise and By Faith...and we must not Trust the ways of this world and lean on our own understanding of "how" He will provide...but must Trust that He will! Period.
We have looked at so many homes - that are a temptation and appear to be a better "move" in the world's perspective...but when viewed through Wisdom and the Eyes of God - hold only lies, fear and deception!
So...with clear conviction, and an overwhelming sense of Peace and Unity...Kelly and I are moving out on the Promises of God in this Home on Sahara Drive - lest we forget! And now is the time...for such a time is this! Lord - release us, and pour out your blessing - so that you ALONE may be Glorified! For we believe -that you have tried us only to increase our faith, and that it is all in Love...and if You are Glorified, we are content!

Give thanks to the Lord, For He Is Good! For His faithful love endures forever...
To Him Alone does great Wonders! For His faithful love endures forever...
To Him who divided the Red Sea in two! For His faithful love endures forever...
But overthrew Pharaoh and His Army in the Red Sea! For His faithful love endures forever...

Let us forever Stand firm and Move out on the Promises of Psalm 136! I don't know how He is going to orchestrate His deliverance, provision and release...but I know He will, and I open the door - why, because He tells me: "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." [Revelation 3:20-21]

Do you hear His voice...then open up the door and let Him into your heart forever more! He will make a way when there seems to be no way - for He led us in, and He will lead us out! Come on church...let's go!

All Eyes on Jesus!

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