Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bended knee...

...I need you Jesus, to come to my rescue. Where else can I go? No other name by, which I am saved. Capture me with grace! I will follow you... ["Rescue"]

Absolutely one of my favorite songs - and like never before, these lyrics in church this morning brought me to my knees! This whole storm is just so intense - and "this world has nothing for me" - and as we approach His Cross on bended knee, we just plea that He comes to our Rescue. He is the Way, The Truth and The Life, and there is no other way to come to the Father, but through Him. Capture me with Grace Lord...and thank you Pastor Kent for an absolutely powerful message from James chapter 4! Talk about God speaking to and through you...

This weekend has been tough...good-byes with neighbors, cries of desperation, tough decisions regarding Jackson's surgery, finishing up repairs to the house with the home inspection, praying through this entire move, wondering where we are going, Carter and Jordyn struggling - and not fully understanding (Praise God) that their world is going to be rocked in a few days, exhausted, and many other emotions...BUT, in the midst of all that - check this out!

Move Update... So, we get the estimate from the moving company right, and between you and me -$4600 is crazy! And it would be absolutely poor stewardship on our part, and we have/had no peace that we were to spend that kind of money on packing and moving this house! And so as discouraging as that estimate comes God! So we get a phone call yesterday afternoon from my Aunt, who had been in contact with a distant cousin who she is great friends with and owns a moving company in SC. Come to find out she has a brother-in law who co-owns a moving company here in the Pittsburgh area and they are sending out a crew on Tuesday to pack us, and then another crew on Wednesday to move us, and store our stuff if necessary - and the only expense to us is the "man hours"! How sweet is that! Talk about a huge blessing and what a weight that has been lifted! So we will do some "prelim" packing today and tomorrow and then full steam ahead on Tuesday and Wednesday! Now...if we only knew where to put our stuff! So please, continue to pray for peace, clarity and direction! We are praying through a couple of "leads"/options from friends and family...and hopefully will know where, real soon! He is our Everlasting God, Our Deliverer and remember "strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord!" And that is exactly what we will continue to do...wait upon the Lord, humbled before His Throne of Grace!

Jackson Update: Tomorrow morning, we have our weekly echo at Magee Womens Hospital and will be making the final decision as to "where" and set-up a preliminary game plan for the procedure/surgery. Please continue to hold this decision up in prayer and also our conversation with our team of doctors!

Again...thank you! Thank you for all your prayers, love, support, gifts, encouragement, dinners, time, energy and talent! Thank you for continuing to let God work in and through you, and please don't ever stop reflecting the Glory and Image of Christ in all you do! We love you...

All Eyes on Jesus!


Kyle D. Yates said...

Praying for you Doug! Your friend at Whitehall Camp--Kyle Yates

Ashleigh said...

Praying with you. PTL about the moving company!!