Saturday, July 25, 2009

His instruments...

"But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God's instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted." [1 Peter 2: 9-10, The Message]

What a day yesterday! Our God is Seriously Ridiculous - and how awesome is His healing, provision, love and encouragement!

Last night - was rough though! Kelly had a very hard night with pain and discomfort following the procedure and general anesthesia. We were able to get a few hours of sleep, once we were transferred to a recovery room and Kelly was in a more comfortable bed. The doctor's woke us up early this morning and began to check Kelly and Jackson's progress. Kelly's pain medication seem to have "caught up" and the pain has substantially subsided! Jackson's heart beat has been steady through out the night between 145-160 beats per minute, and Kelly could feel him moving around throughout the night and early morning hours, as usual!

However, when Kel woke this morning she was overwhelmed with a great anxiety (to be expected) for Jackson - especially since she was so groggy through out the evening updates and was a little concerned since we have not had an echo since the procedure! We shared a great cry together and prayed over Jackson! We knew Dr. Speer was planning to stop at some point this morning, and so we were just going to wait and talk with him about plans for an echo/ultrasound - and as soon as we finished praying together the nurses station called us and shared the news that Dr. Sherman, Jackson's Cardiologist, was on his way to the room to do an echo and check Jackson's progress! How awesome is God's timing!

And as soon Dr. Sherman got set up and began the echo - in walked Dr. Speer! And what an awesome brother in Christ! You know how wonderful it is to have a team of doctors provide the level of care these guys have, with a foundation of faith! We could not have asked for a more wonderful team who truly have been the hands/talent/instrument of Christ in this procedure to intercede in Jackson's life!

Dr. Sherman and Speer were with us for more than a half hour, and the echo results are just awesome! Jackson is doing so well! The flow through the left ventricle is great! The echo confirmed that a huge improvement has been made in the flow through the aortic valve-which means "success" and a true miracle! Jackson is by know means out of the woods at this point - and the focus now is to watch his heart's development over the next 4 months. His aortic valve has been opened so much that it actually is a "leaky" valve now- which is expected with the procedure! The valve now has a chance to heal over the next four months in-utero, and/or may need to be replaced through a surgery at birth. If the valve deteriorates and/or the ventricle does not develop, the Norwood surgery process (series of surgeries starting at birth) may still be the next step! Right now it is just wait and see! Here is where the continued reinforcement in the foundation of prayer is going to be essential!

We will be having weekly echo's in Pittsburgh at this point - may be more/less frequent depending on Jackson's development - with our next echo this coming Wednesday! Kelly has about a six week recovery plan at this point, including no lifting, and most likely will be discharged tomorrow morning! Gonna be tough for an awesome mommy of two "cuddlers"! But-daddy is ready and excited to step up to the plate! And man, what an awesome team of support we have with our family, friends, church community and even strangers who are hearing the story and rallying with us!

To see the Body of Christ united and interceding is just absolutely awesome! And please - I beg you - keep your Eyes on Jesus! Don't give the enemy a crack to creep through! Don't let him speak discouragement, worry, doubt, fear into your lives - but live victoriously in the Death and Resurrection of our Lord - Christ Jesus - because there is Life in His Blood!

Someone made the comment last week that blood is thicker than water - and though it was not meant the way I am about to "unwrap" it - he is absolutely correct! The Blood of Jesus is stronger and thicker than anything this world can offer! Our relationships that stand on the foundation of Christ's Blood are stronger than any worldly friendship! And in the time of battle - the relationships we have in Christ's Blood are the ones that stand strong and build each other up in Love, Encouragement and the Truth found in the Word!

As Kelly stated so perfectly last night - "I don't even know how to begin to say thank you to Jesus for His blessing/miracle in Jackson!" and the same is true for all of you! We don't know how to even begin expressing our thankfulness and love towards you...we are so blessed that you are all "standing in the gap" with/for us and allowing the Lord to move in and through you!

We promise to keep you up to date through the blog - and sorry if you tried to call/txt last night or this was so intense and crazy, and then in the midst of it all my phone died! [Thanks Greg and Mel coming through in the clutch and bringing in a charger!!! And Stace and Rick - the early morning cup of coffee was exactly what I needed! Love you guys so much...]

Stay buried in the Word - and continue to Shout His Praise! You are His Instruments...tell the story of the night and day difference He has made in your life! And if you don't know Christ as Savior and the Lord of your Life - I beg you to talk with someone today - right now - or email/write/text/call me - go to church tonight or in the morning and talk with a pastor! It is a life or death decision - and again that is His Promise not mine! Read Romans 10 and Colossians 3 and come into relationship with Him today for the first time! It is not about Religion or is all about Relationship! And He still waits for you...and Loves you - just as you are! Stand firm on that Promise of the Lord - and don't let the world tell you otherwise!

All Eyes on Jesus...

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