Saturday, July 25, 2009

Faith crushes Fear!

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." [2 Timothy 1:7]

This afternoon Paul's words in 2 Timothy and those of Christ found in John 16:33..."so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." .. have been great encouragement to us!
Today has had its ups and downs, with a wide range of emotions from anxiety, worry, excitement, gratitude, uncertainty, strength, exhaustion, joy, fear and peace! It has been an intense day of reflecting/processing the miracle of Jackson's life-changing procedure yesterday! It has been overwhelming at times - not going to lie! Overwhelming in the sense of thanksgiving! Overwhelming in the sense of pure joy! Overwhelming in the sense of how great God's love, healing, grace, strength and peace are present in our lives! And overwhelming in the sense of how intense this storm has been...and the only way that we are still standing is because of the peace and strength we have in Christ - as He has demonstrated His Love, Guidance and Provision through all of you!

The trials in the last two weeks have been crazy - to say the least - but, God has given us an Advocate, Counselor, Comforter and Encourager in the Holy Spirit! And here is the Truth that has truly brought me to a point of surrender through out the day: Fear is the enemy of Faith! If I told you that through this whole journey there has not been moments of fear - I would be a hypocrite! Fear has been an emotional reaction that we have had to truly surrender time and time again, and today...we had to surrender this emtion again! Our faith has been tested like never before in this journey - and it is continuing to be tested! This journey is no where near over - and even as we sit on the other side of one of the greatest miracle I have ever witnessed with an attitude of praise...the enemy is not going to stop attacking! We must continue to remain surrendered at the foot of the Cross, and must stay prepared and focused in the Word as the enemy is going to bring every scheme possible to shift our eyes off of Jesus in this storm...and when/if you are experiencing moments of fear, timidity, worry or we have in this storm - know that your eyes are not on the One who promises Life, Strength, Peace and Rescue! Christ taught us to deny/surrender our selfish desires [including fear] daily, pick up our cross and follow Him if we truly want to be His disciples!

Tonight...please continue to pray! Pray for Rest and Strength to cover Kelly and Jackson! Kelly has been getting out of bed and moving around this afternoon/evening, eating great (heck, she had pizza for dinner!) and is feeling much better! The doctors/nurses have gotten on top of her pain - eventhough she is still a little "itchy" and sore - and is doing so much better tonight compared to late last night and early this morning! As for Jackson...He is doing great! His heartbeat continues to be strong anywhere from 145-160 beats per minute - and continues to bounce around inside of Kel - a great praise, but also a point of pain for a sore mommy!

Pray for continued Peace and Patience as we continue to wait upon the Lord! The next four months - may very well be the longest four months of our lives! The "waiting" has just begun - and is another intense test for a man who loves to move at 300 mph! God teaches us "peace, be still", and that He leads us beside "still waters"...and many times there seems to be more fun and excitement in the "wake" rather than in the "still" waters, but this whole journey has been such a learning experience, and I/we will continue to lean into the prompting and teaching of the Holy Spirit! There is an overwhelming sense of peace that goes beyond all understanding, and the Lord is teaching this knucklehead a new definition of "stillness"! I am looking forward to "slowing down" and focusing on enjoying the blessing of today!

Our natural reaction to many of life's hurdles, trials, adversities and storms may be fear [whatever that fear may be] - but, peace...well, peace is the supernatural, divine response God gives us by His Grace through His Son! Choose to respond rather than react, because fear is the enemy of Faith. Stand firm on the Promise that Faith crushes Fear!

All Eyes on Jesus...

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