Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pressing on...

"...But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." [Phillipians3: 13-14]

One of my favorite scriptures [and one of my "life" verses] that has always allowed me to see the humility and strength of the Apostle Paul. If he didn't have it altogether - other than Christ, who on this planet ever has! These words - written as Paul was facing imprisonment and an upcoming trial - truly expresses his joy and faith in Christ...while encouraging us to walk humbly and in unity! These words are the definition of "All Eyes on Jesus!" ... Pressing on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us!

Pressing on...is a phrase that has new meaning over the last few weeks! And yesterday - was one of those days that brought this phrase to life! I so wanted an escape yesterday - a beach with white sands, waves crashing, a cool breeze and no one around would have done! The kids were off the wall - which, is to be expected after a week away from Mommy and Daddy - and in a brand new "set up" here at the farm! Getting back into the routine is never easy...and after a rough night's sleep, Kelly woke up yesterday around 8:00am and was in severe pain! On top of that - her nausea was so intense that she threw up - which brought more pain and stress to her abdomen! Her nausea was overwhelming, so she didn't eat, and was taking pain meds on an empty stomach - which led to more nausea - not a good cycle! And wanting to focus on Kel and get her comfortable, while taking care of the kiddos really made that beach scene look good!
Then came a huge blessing - Dr. Speer called to check in, and was very concerned about Kelly's nausea and pain. He called in a prescription of Zofran to calm her stomach, hopefully allowing her to eat a little more, and allowing the pain meds to be taken with less nausea - that was countering there effect. But, calling in a prescription, became quite the adventure - and man do you miss the city, whenever you need a perscription to be filled quickly! So, I dropped Carter off at my Aunt's to play with two of his cousins that are in from California - and Jordyn and I were off to Kittanning to grab Kelly's prescription! Well - two hours later we got home! The prescription was at another location, Jordyn was a handful to say the least, and a half hour drive in one direction, with a Wal-Mart run thrown in for groceries that Kelly "thought" would taste good - was just nuts! Man, I could have used one of those 5 minute runs to Target! And of course - while we were gone, which is the first time Kelly had been alone - her pain had gotten worse!
But once I got back...got Kel's meds in her, Jordyn to sleep, and Carter enjoying "quiet time"...Daddy was more than ready for an afternoon nap! And then Paul's words slapped me in the face...press on, get up, get going, be strong, be courageous, one step at a time, get your eyes on Jesus - for the Lord your God is with you, before you and behind you! He is your strength, He is your peace, He is your Joy, Rescue and Escape...keep going!
So many times in life I/we want to scream - why? But it is not the right question! And further more - it is the absolute wrong question! The right question is - who? Who are we focused on? Who is our source of strength? Who is our source of hope, encouragement, life? Who is our motivation? Who is our testimony? Who is our worship?
Is it the/a celebrity? The singer, star, or athlete? Is it our children, spouse, significant other? Our co-workers, boss, team or position? Is it our family, friends, or church community? And please - don't get me wrong - these can be absolutely incredible people, but can also take the "spotlight", glory and honor that is due to Christ Jesus alone in our worship and praise! And yesterday - He bumped me - and reminded me that my undivided attention must be on Him and Him alone! If it is...everything else will remain in perfect balance! He must be the "hub" of our lives in order for every "spoke" - the people/things that He needs us to stand in the gap for - to be perfectly positioned and allow us to "roll" according to His Purpose and Will...and again, please know that this knucklehead has not "already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me." [Philippians 3:12]
And prayer is our best help when trials come our way, because it keeps us in communion with God! And is exactly what Kelly and I continue to lean into to transform our perspective! After an awesome conversation with my Managing Director with the Billy Graham Association...who has been absolutely unbelievable in and through this entire storm! The outpouring of support and love from the men and women that I serve along side of has been unfathomable! Talk about a ministry/community of prayer, encouragement and hope! And having the opportunity to take this week off - and next if I need it - to love on my bride and kids, is one of the greatest blessings in the midst of this journey!
Then Grandma Barrett showed up with dinner [Hallelujah] - and even though Kel still did not have an appetite - corn, applesauce and strawberry shortcake was a little bit of heaven for Carter, Jordyn and Daddy! And after watching a doe and two fawns in the back yard for a little while - all was quiet, both kids asleep and an awesome moment for daddy and mommy to just sit still and pray/talk together!
Yeah - it was a long day, but once again the power of prayer turned the day upside down and truly allowed us to see God's grip of Grace in our lives! Kelly and I continue to me amazed at how the Lord continues to reveal himself to us time and time again, and continues to teach us to be strong and courageous, for the Lord God is with you wherever you go! Standing firm on that Promise found in Joshua 1:9...

Today - has been an awesome morning! Kel and I were up early...allowing for some great quiet time, devotion and conversation! With breakfast already in us, the sun shining, and the kids anxiously awaiting the arrival of Katie - Kelly's cousin who will be staying with us for a few days to help [Praise the Lord] today is going to be an awesome day!

All Eyes on Jesus!

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